
“What's really strikes me about ACA is the potential to shape the next generation of leaders on arms control and nuclear policy. This is something I witnessed firsthand as someone who was introduced to the field through ACA.”
– Alicia Sanders-Zakre
June 2, 2022
About the Arms Control Association
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The Arms Control Association, founded in 1971, is a national nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to promoting public understanding of and support for effective arms control policies.

Through our public education and media programs and our flagship journal, Arms Control Today, we provide policymakers, the press, and the interested public with authoritative information, analysis, and commentary on arms control proposals, negotiations and agreements, and related national security issues.

In addition to regular press briefings that the Arms Control Association holds on major arms control developments, our staff provides commentary and analysis on a broad spectrum of issues for journalists and scholars both in the United States and abroad.

Reporters: If you are interested in contacting one of our experts, please contact Tony Fleming, director for communications, at [email protected] or (202) 463-8270, ext. 110.


Washington, DC Office

1200 18th St NW, Suite 1175
Washington, DC, 20036
Tel (202) 463-8270

Daryl G. Kimball
Executive Director

Kathy Crandall Robinson
Chief Operating Officer

Tony Fleming
Director for Communications and Operations

Carol Giacomo
Chief Editor, Arms Control Today

Kelsey Davenport
Director for Nonproliferation Policy

Xiaodon Liang
Senior Policy Analyst

Shizuka Kuramitsu
Research Assistant

Allen Harris
Graphic Designer & Production Editor

Paul Walker
Chemical Weapons Convention Coalition

Mina Rozei
Program Coordinator,
Chemical Weapons Convention Coalition

Chris Rostampour
Policy & Communications Coordinator,
Physicists Coalition for Nuclear Threat Reduction

Libby Flatoff
Operations and Program Assistant

Michael Klare
Senior Visiting Fellow

Merle Lee Newkirk
Finance Officer

Board of Directors


Thomas CountrymanChair
Paul Walker, Vice Chair
Leland Cogliani, Treasurer
Michael Klare, Secretary


Lilly Adams
Matthew Bunn
Leland Cogliani
William R. "Russ" Colvin
Deborah C. Gordon
Victoria K. Holt
Angela Kane
Laura Kennedy
Maryann Cusimano Love
Randy Rydell
Jayita Sarkar
Rachel Stohl
Greg Thielmann
Christine Wing


Directors Emeritus

Avis Bohlen
Susan Burk
Richard L. Garwin
Bg. Gen. Gregory G. Govan, (USA, Ret.)
Thomas L. Hughes
John Isaacs
Amb. Bonnie Jenkins
Catherine Kelleher
Jack Mendelsohn
Zia Mian
Hazel R. O'Leary
Lt. Gen. Robert Pursley (USAF, Ret.)