
“Over the past 50 years, ACA has contributed to bridging diversity, equity, inclusion and that's by ensuring that women of color are elevated in this space.”
– Shalonda Spencer
Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security, and Conflict Transformation
June 2, 2022
2020 Arms Control Association Annual Meeting
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Our virtual, interactive global gathering of members, friends, colleagues, and policymakers examined the key challenges and approaches for steering arms control and disarmament efforts back on course in the coming decade. 

The election of Joe Biden to the presidency creates the potential for significant progress in several key areas. Achieving meaningful and durable changes, however, will not be automatic and will not come easily. The next U.S. administration and other world leaders will need to move quickly to make decisions on a range of key issues.

We want to thank our many sponsors for helping us carry out this year's event and enable over 850 attendees from 60+ countries—a global gathering—to examine today’s tough global weapons-related security challenges.

Ambassador: Paul F. Walker, Ph.D
Leadership: Dr. Joe Hogler
Partner: Amb. Susan F. Burk · Prof. Michael Klare · Leland Cogliani · Dr. T. Douglas Reilly · Dr. Bruce Amundson · Angela Kane · Amb. Bonnie Jenkins · Jacques Guillet · Natalie Goldring · Joseph  Berkson · Alyn Ware · Peter Herby · Phillip Padgett · Stanley Riveles
Advocate: Lilly Adams · Barclay Ward · Alfredo Alejandro Labbe · Jeffery Richardson · John Balkcom · Katariina Simonen · Pedro A. Cruz · William Courtney · Charles J. Ball · Joseph P. Kerr · Robert E. Frye · John Woodworth · Rusten Lynn · Edward M. Ifft · Thomas Graham Jr. · Theodore Prociv · Milton Hoenig · Cherrill M. Spencer · Frank Klotz · Laura Rockwood · Alexander Liebowitz · Jane H. Kavaloski · Amb. Carlo Trezza · Waheguru Pal Sidhu · P. Terrence Hopmann · Rebecca Gibbons · Greg Thielmann · Norman Ret · Timothy Tulenko · Jeff Abramson · Mark Fitzpatrick


Our 2020 Annual Meeting brought together keynote speakers and expert panelists for virtual plenary sessions and simultaneous, interactive breakout sessions. Bios of all of our speakers and moderators are available here.

12:30 p.m.


Daryl G. Kimball, Executive Director
Thomas Countryman, Chair of the Board

Video Recording  

12:40 p.m.

Opening Keynote

"Restoring U.S. Leadership on Nuclear Weapons Risk Reduction"
Senator Jeff Merkley, (D-Oregon)

Video Recording

1:00 p.m.


"Diversifying and Strengthening the Disarmament Movement,"
with Amb. Bonnie Jenkins (WCAPS), Cecili Thompson Williams, (Beyond the Bomb) Vincent Intondi (Montgomery College), and Daryl Kimball (ACA), moderated by Lilly Adams (ACA Board).

Video Recording 

1:50 p.m.

Breakout Sessions

  • "The Future of the U.S.-Russian Nuclear Arms Control Regime," with Rose Gottemoeller moderated by Shannon Bugos
Video Recording
  • "Repairing the Broken U.S. Policy on Iran," with Kelsey Davenport
Video Recording 
  • Strengthening the NPT and the 10th Review Conference: a conversation with Amb. Gustavo Zlauvinen," moderated by Laura Kennedy
Video Recording

2:15 p.m.

Breakout Sessions

  • Re-evaluating U.S. Nuclear Weapons Modernization Plan” with Kingston Reif, moderated by Aaron Mehta with Defense News
Video Recording
  • "After New START: Engaging Other Nuclear-Armed States in the Disarmament Enterprise" with Tom Countryman, ACA Board Chair, and Prof. Heather Williams with Kings College, moderated by Julia Masterson
(Technical issues precluded a video recording of this session.)
  • The Impact of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons” with Amb. Elaine Whyte Gómez, moderated by Zia Mian, Princeton University Program on Science and Global Security and Arms Control Association Board
Video Recording

2:40 p.m.


How You Can Be Part of the Solution
Kathy Crandall Robinson, Chief Operations Officer

Video Recording

2:50 p.m.

Closing Keynote

Izumi Nakamitsu, Under-Secretary-General, UN Office of Disarmament Affairs

Video Recording

3:10 p.m.

Closing Remarks

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, (D-NY)

Thomas Countryman, Chair of the Board

Video Recording 

Questions? Contact Tony Fleming, director of communications ([email protected]) or Rachel Paik ([email protected]).
