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May 19, 2021
Next Steps in Arms Control: Nuclear Weapons, 
Missile Defense and NATO
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Arms Control Experts Address Post-Election Agenda:
New START, NATO, and Missile Defense

Monday, November 8, 2010, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2nd floor, Root Room
1779 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036

Transcript now available

How will the recent elections impact the Obama administration's arms control priorities, including the New START treaty, when the Senate returns Nov. 15?  What are the prospects for another round of U.S.-Russian nuclear reductions?

What will likely emerge from the Nov. 19-20 NATO Summit in Lisbon on Alliance policy on tactical nuclear weapons and missile defense?  What are the prospects for genuine U.S.-Russian cooperation in these areas?

What does the pending deployment of the U.S. Phased Adaptive Approach missile interceptor system mean for Europe and for U.S.-NATO-Russia relations?

For answers and insights on these questions, please see transcripts of the Arms Control Association and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung North America's Monday, Nov. 8 one-day conference on Next Steps in Arms Control:  Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense and NATO.

Speakers included the Obama administration's New START negotiator, Assistant Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller, Nuclear Threat Initiative President Joan Rohlfing, and former START I negotiator Amb. Richard Burt.  International speakers include Polish Department of Foreign Affairs' Marek Szczygiel, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defense Policy Jiri Sedivy, and Russia arms control expert Eugene Miasnikov, among others.


Introduction and First Panel: Next Steps in U.S.-Russia Arms Reductions - Joan Rohlfing, Amb. Richard Burt, Eugene Miasnikov, moderated by Daryl G. Kimball, with welcoming remarks by Ralf Fücks

Second Panel: Tactical Nuclear Weapons and NATO - Oliver Meier, Marek Szcygiel, Jan Lodal, moderated by Catherine Kelleher

Keynote Address by Assistant Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller

Third Panel: Missile Defense and NATO - Eric Desautels, Jiri Sedivy, Greg Thielmann, moderated by Tom Z. Collina